At Woodlands we believe in sharing our knowledge and experience of gardening and pond keeping with our customers. We are now giving you the opportunity to share your knowledge with other garden lovers.
We will reward the best gardening tip each month with a £25 Woodlands garden gift voucher!* All you need to do is fill in your name, email address and your top gardening tip on the link below.
Each month we will list a selection of your gardening tips on this page as well as the monthly 'top' tip!
Please click here to upload your top gardening tips!
*Winners will be notified by email. Winners need to collect their £25 Woodlands gift voucher from the Centre.
Below are the tips submitted to us by you ...
Top Tip! Mr Jones from Ambleside recommends...
“ My father always swore by dusting yellow sulphur on dahlias to reduce disease. ”
Alan from Levens suggests...
“ I swear by putting grease bands around my fruit trees to keep the winter moth caterpillars at bay. ”
M. Smith from Arnside advises...
“ It's a great time of year to prune trees. Make sure that you always use sharp tools and paint afterwards with a wound sealer. ”
Mr Dixon from Kendal recommends...
“ Horticultural fleece is a great way to protect vulnerable plants. Simply cut a piece and place over/round the plant. ”
Mr Jones from Ambleside suggests...
“ My father always swore by dusting yellow sulphur on dahlias to reduce disease. ”
Mr Stott from Grange over Sands emailed...
“ Tree wash applied while trees are dormant and there is no frost, sprayed in the centre of conifer hedges will kill over wintering greenfly. ”
Mrs Smith from Beetham emailed...
“ Putting down bark mulch now (January) helps to protect plant roots and keeps down new weed seedlings. ”
Sarah Spencer from Bassingstoke suggests...
“ Slices of cucumber placed on aluminium tin foil releases an aroma, that when placed near plants, keeps pests away, particularly slugs. ”
Mrs Turner from Brigsteer suggests...
“ A helpful tip for the greenhouse is to use diluted washing up liquid to spray on greenfly. It works as a form of pest control and helps to eradicate infestations. ”
Mrs Wilson from Lupton emailed...
“ If you put slugs, snails and caterpillars in a bucket of salted water they will die (and therefore stop them breeding). Mrs Wilson, Lupton ”
Steve from Milnthorpe advises...
“ Did you know that it you drizzle a small number of slug pellets in to gaps in stone walls or under dry rocks in February/March you will kill the over-wintering slugs and snails prior to them breeding and at little danger to the birds and hedgehogs. ”
Woodlands Nurseries
Crooklands, Milnthorpe, Cumbria, LA7 7NJ
Telephone: 015395 67273
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